Monday, May 4, 2009

Trying to determine what is going on in the world by reading newspapers is like trying to tell the time by watching the second hand of a clock.

He quietly sat the back of the classroom patient as always. His haired dyed blond by the bright sun. The skin on the bridge of his nose was pink and slightly peeling, underneath the light sunburn he had, were pale freckles that spread across his entire body.

The clock had stopped, almost froze up from having all eyes on it. People held their breath watching, waiting, and hoping that the second hand will continue to move.

Even the teacher had given up on trying to obtain the students attention and added his eyes to the stare of the clock.

Owen removed his eyes from the clock, hoping that with a bit more privacy the clock would speed itself up. The other students were still focused on the plastic circle. He glanced back up at the clock before scanning the student’s faces again.

The privacy did not help the clock perform and it felt like hours before the clock reached it’s destined time. It gave a loud shriek, the climax of its performance and the students jumped out of their seats and scattered for the door.

The clock continued to tick the time away slowly even though no one was there to watch, it still ticked away precious seconds of their lives.

quote by Ben Hecht
US author & dramatist

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